
The Qdroids site

This site was born in October of 2021 to give greater visibility to research on Quantum Gravity by prof. Damiano Anselmi and his screenplay Dawn of the Qdroids.

We consider his research truly remarkable and we would like to thank him. His publications are the first real advances in the field of quantum after decades of useless abstractions.

The researches of prof. Anselmi on quantum gravity are so innovative that they will probably be received by the scientific world only in many decades. But even more important are his explanations, incredibly shiny, on the functioning of everything we know so far, starting from subatomic particles and up to infinite cosmic distances.

Listening to his lectures all the fragments of knowledge that were scattered and disconnected come together in a coherent way. But we must listen to many of them and digest them for a long time because they revolutionize much of what we have been taught so far. Start by listening to at least this one:
Consciousness, free will and will


In the last fifty years, the only theories available were more suited to founding religions than to designing experiments. But finally, thanks to prof. Anselmi, we can test our intuitions.

The researchers from our team have been dealing with non-deterministic programming and we are honored to be able to contribute with some small experiments. For now you can see the first chapters under construction in the experiments section.

Non-deterministic programming

The our team he has experimented for years with numerous applications written with nondeterministic software, read This Page e also this, and finally also this chapter. These are pages already published five years ago (here is the evidence at WebArchive: Link1 Link2 Link3) and summarize many years of research begun in the first decade of 2000.

In the years since 2010 al 2021 we have written over a hundred applications and many of these applications seem deterministic even if they are not. The results vary slightly each time you use them because they communicate casually, without waiting for replies and never checking if the other parts of the system have actually received the information.

In our systems, communications are three applications (interprocess communication) and those with the HAL application (Hardware Abstraction Layer) and finally with the micro-controllers that deal with the input-output, happen similar to how neurons communicate, that is, they are redundant and occur at random times.

Our applications are not deterministic they act like neurons (read this page),
so they behave in a slightly different and unpredictable way every time.

For example our CNC application, that moves machine tools to work wood and metals, it performs tasks for which all consider absolute determinism and carefully calculated trajectories to be essential. Well most of those who use this application don't know it, but the engines we drive do “whatever he likes” and they walk around like drunks in a corridor. So no one can know in advance what the actual path will be. However, the skids are small and are corrected redundantly (beyond 500 times per second), so it can be predicted with a good probability that the path will remain within a certain margin of error.

Till now, in over ten years of the life of our system, with tens of thousands of people using our apps, no one complained about how they work, indeed we have received numerous compliments for the simplicity with which you can use them.

We therefore have what it takes to experiment with the ideas of prof. Anselmi on quantum creativity and try to translate them into software and hardware. We don't know what we will be able to do with current technologies, but at least we will do some analyzes and prepare experiments and guidelines for those who come in the future.

The Qdroids domain

To avoid some vulture coming to mind to grab them, we have blocked the following domains:


But everything we do is non-profit so if in the future the prof. Anselmi will want to use these domains himself and we will be happy to give them to him.


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